The theme for my most recent meditation group was affirmations. I found a meditation on the Insight Meditation App which I loved listening to and decided that I wanted to share it with my group. It is a morning meditation but it is a perfect short meditation for any time of the day.
The meditation is by Jonathan Lehman and I found it by listening to a lot of guided meditations on the app and deciding which voices and sentiments I like. This one works for me. He has a very smooth voice and his guidance in meditation is very practical and positive. He reminds us to be grateful for the miracle of our body. This helps to switch us into positive thought by bringing into focus those things which we regularly take for granted. He also reminds us to pay attention to our breath and our body sensations. These are important guideposts in meditation that have helped me to learn how to get into a meditative state.
Here are the 7 affirmations he guides us through:
1. I make plans but I remain flexible to the surprises that life has in store for me. I try to say yes as often as possible.
2. I cultivate patience and while doing so I also cultivate self-confidence.
3. I welcome the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and I do not let myself be guided by fear.
4. I love myself unconditionally because it is essential to my happiness. I love the person that I am and I do not need other people's approval to love myself fully.
5. I am going to drink water, eat fruit and vegetables, walk, take the stairs and exercise. Today I'm giving love to my body.
6. I give everywhere I go- even if it's only a smile, a compliment or my full attention. Listening is the best gift I can give those around me.
7. I try to be impeccable with my word and speak only to spread positivity. It's counterproductive to my happiness to speak against myself or others.
At the end of this guided meditation, the teacher says that if you do this or another meditation for 10 consecutive days it is guaranteed that you will see changes in your life. How exciting!
In our meditation group, we especially loved #1 and #4. Saying yes to more things was just what one group member needed to hear and cultivate in her life. Another meditator loved being reminded that she didn't need other's approval. And of course, I'm always preaching that loving oneself is the cornerstone for happiness and wellbeing.
These 7 affirmations encapsulate a lovely philosophy for life. The goal of this meditation is to encourage happiness. I do believe that if you listen to this every day you will (even if only for 1 minute afterward) feel happier. By doing affirmations daily you begin to build a routine of concentrating on the positive and feeling grateful. Each time you listen you will remain positive for 1 minute longer than the day before until it spreads to the entire morning and then the entire day!
Remember this tip from Louise Hay: What you concentrate on increases. Instead of concentrating on lack and what you don't want, concentrate on what you have and what you want.
Below is the link for the Morning Meditation by Jonathan Lehman on the Insight Meditation timer app: